Our mission




Cameroon is a country of diversity, the beauties from the entire African continent come together in one country.

But Cameroon is also a country of turmoil. While economic progress can be seen in the main centers of Yaoundé and Douala, the rural population does not benefit from it in any way. On the contrary, the people outside the metropolises live largely on the fringes of their existence. If these people need medical help, the nearest doctor is usually many hours and kilometers away. In addition, these people simply do not have the financial resources for medical help.

Rich Cameroonians prefer to get medical help in Europe (often also in Switzerland). This is also a sign of the inner turmoil in this wonderful country. At the beginning of the 1980s, the Swiss Federal Council approved two substantial loans that stimulated trade with Cameroon. Various Swiss companies from the chemical, food, construction, logistics and machine industries gained a foothold in the country. However, there was no success and cooperation between Switzerland and Cameroon came to an end. This reduction in technical cooperation between Switzerland and Cameroon, as well as various political and economic crises that lasted until the end of the last century, led to a decline or standstill in trade.

Important political concerns were left untouched and corruption took over. Medical care in Cameroon came to a standstill. The victims are of course the ordinary people of Cameroon. Children, the elderly and the sick, and of course the people living in rural areas, who make up 90% of the population. The effects are depressing: Without basic medical care, the foundation of a society is missing, education, work, social development, but also the economy is falling apart.


Since 1989, the country's debts have been restructured within the framework of the Paris Club. Despite several agreements and diplomatic relations, little or nothing has been achieved politically. Corruption and a lack of understanding repeatedly led to a dead end. And it was precisely this circumstance that left the proud Cameroonian-born Dr. Julien Gnipieven Tekombo unable to let go.

Where politics can no longer make progress, private initiative is called for. Based on this principle, Dr. Tekombo founded the Centre Médical Dr. Gnipieven Tekombo Foundation. An idea quickly turned into a clear mission. Namely, to ensure basic medical care for the population of Cameroon.

A medical center (Centre Médical) with surgery, radiology, general medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, laboratory medicine and psychiatry is to be built as a cornerstone in Yaoundé. From there, 'traveling doctors' will visit the rural population (home visits) and further 'medical satellites' will be established throughout the country.


Medical students, junior doctors and all interested medical and scientific professionals, as well as nursing staff from Switzerland and Europe, are to be given the opportunity to contribute their specialist knowledge in Cameroon. At the same time, these specialists will gain completely new experiences with diseases and injuries that do not, no longer or not yet exist in the western world. A unique exchange of experience and medical know-how at eye level, the effects of which will be of incalculable value to Cameroon's population and at the same time enrich medical knowledge in Switzerland.

Become a part of this wonderful mission. Your donations will help us to continue writing this unique story of solidarity. Through our foundation, 100% of your donations will reach the charity. We are idealists, work with conviction on a voluntary basis and our administration is lean and transparent. We are highly conscious of our responsibility towards our donors.

And we are very pleased if you are enthusiastic about our project and if we can continue to inform you.

On behalf of my colleagues at the Foundation, I'd like to say

Thank you very much

Marcel Gisel

communication, PR and fundraising

Medical Center - Competence

Within the next three years we plan to open the Center Medical Dr. Gnipieven Tekombo on our building plot in the quiet area of Bikok, about 25 minutes from the center of the capital Yaounde, ...

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Get to know us

A vision brought us together. The vision became a mission. Commitment turned into passion. Foundation board colleagues became friends. Each and everyone is an expert in the matter...

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Your donations move mountains

Enjoy your donation while you watch as part of our donor family as the project is realized...

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